Microsoft MSPs
Get the most out of Kronometrix
Our partners bring a lot of experience to build solid enterprise solutions on top of Kronometrix Data Analytics Platform which can simplify and speedup the way you capture, analyze and visualize data.
Are you looking for a deep-scanning,
cutting-edge analytics platform?
We might have a solution for you and your customers. The Kronometrix agent can be installed on any computer, including workstations, laptops, mobile devices and servers. You can centrally monitor the use of all machines anywhere in the world.
Does your customer company have a mixed environment – You can monitor thousands of Microsoft, Linux and Apple workstations, servers and other devices through one centralized user interface.
By becoming a reseller, you get up to a 45% discount for your customers and you can bundle our services as part of your own service offering or use Kronometrix only in your own.
Here are instructions for installing the Kronometrix analytics tool on a Microsoft workstation.