Find out if your applications and services are properly configured and optimised for your business and customers
A lot of organizations are spending considerable time and energy, to detect and correct improper service configurations, which have a direct impact to the main operation and functionality, as poor performance or outages. These activities, many times, continue as a fire-fighting exercise, without a strategy and direction, exhausting everybody and getting very expensive.
Kronometrix CloudView brings all necessarily tools and utilities to build and define a direction, to simplify all these and get the job done.
For example, when we deployed Kronometrix CloudView for Nexetic, one of our customers, we have received several alarms from various parts of the applications and systems. Kronometrix uses a special algorithm, based on sampling the prescribed frequency and duration of trigger events, to eliminate the typical flood of unnecessarily repetitive alarms. Having a relatively high number of alarms was an indication for us, that certain things were not properly configured or correctly set to run.
Using the alarm list, we were able to navigate and detect the most important parts of the system and services which required immediate attention. Working with the devops team, we were able to take one issue at the time, perform changes to immediately improve the performance and ultimately the availability of the service.
How it works
To help you run your business smoothly in the cloud, we continuously monitor your applications, services, and operating system instances: no matter whether it be public, private or a hybrid cloud nor which vendor you have selected to provide the infrastructure. Moreover, when things go wrong or become inefficient, we let you know what the problem is and how best to fix it.Kronometrix Cloudview is an enterprise service, built on top of Kronometrix SaaS designed to track your cloud infrastructure usage and keep you aware of changes before they happen. It includes:
- Real-time performance analysis of your cloud instances, operating systems, storage and enterprise services
- End-user performance and availability of web applications and websites, Internet services
- Validity of X.509 security certificates
- A complete managed services support package, 8×5 or 24×7 for continuous service operations, including incident management and root-cause analysis

The service includes a managed service package, which will allow the Kronometrix Operations team to access and remotely operate your services. Our operators are highly skilled professionals with over 25 years of UNIX/Linux experience. Kronometrix will measure and analyse all your services. In this way we will help you to stop fire-fighting and focus on whatever matters most to your business, by keeping all your critical services running.

If you have any questions or need more information about our service, please visit Kronometrix CloudView, check out CloudView FAQ or contact us.